Saturday, April 5, 2008


Today, Aminta and I made cupcakes!

Our day started at Williams-Sonoma. We came to the store, excited to take their "waffle class." As it turns out, the so-called waffle class was a quick discussion about the new Cuisinart waffle maker, followed by a bite-sized waffle sample. Aminta commented to me later, "We didn't even get dirty!"

OK, so maybe the class was a disappointment. It didn't mean I wouldn't have fun making waffles at home! So I decided to browse their mixes. I've been in the store before when they've offered fun flavors, like pumpkin, but today's selection was a bit disappointing. I could get Belgian waffle mix, chocolate chip waffle mix, or blueberry waffle mix. None of them seemed worth $10. Le sigh.

Waffles were out. Then I saw the Sprinkles cupcake mix Erin (Andy's fiance) had in Des Moines. It suddenly clicked in my head that I'd seen a whole program on Sprinkles cupcakes. Was it on Oprah? Perhaps a show on Food Network? No idea. But I remember seeing an interview with the founder of Sprinkles cupcakes, and I remember seeing how big they were (most people split one!) and heard people rave about their flavor. At that same moment, I remembered telling Toby at work that I would bake a cake for Bruce's birthday on Monday. Surely cupcakes would do. So I bought two types of cupcake mix: red velvet and double chocolate. Yum! I also bought a cute cupcake travel tupperware thing from Macy's. With that, I was set!

Aminta and I spent almost 3 hours baking cupcakes. She's a trooper! In the end, it was definitely worth it. The red velvet (which I remember hearing was their number one seller) wasn't a big hit with me (I attribute that to the fact that I don't like cream cheese), but the chocolate was so, so devilishly good. I "sampled" the ones that broke coming out of the pan, and, let me tell you, it makes me want to break all of them. Delicious. Of course, Aminta and I saved some good ones for ourselves, too. Her mom will get to try a couple, and there'll be a few for Andrew.

So, here's to a good Saturday night, spent baking with a good friend.

Happy weekend, ya'all!

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