Saturday, January 16, 2010

Drowsy Ollie

My little boy has never slept as much as he did yesterday. After our nap together from 7:30am to 10am, he napped from 11:15 to 11:45 and then again from 1:15pm to 2:15pm and then again from 5pm to 5:45pm. I think it was a side effect from the vaccinations. However, I also know babies his age are supposed to nap about that much each day. He just never really has.

I got so much done around the house from cleaning the floors to vacuuming. It was the first time I got to vacuum the stairs since we moved in! I couldn't lift the vacuum up and down the stairs while I was pregnant, and ever since having Oliver, I haven't had the time. It looks great.

I also got to make dinner for Andrew before he got home, which I've only been able to do one other time before. I used all the leftover stuff in the fridge and came up with egg salad sandwiches and garlic asparagus.

Last night, it was slightly more difficult to get Oliver to sleep than normal. Actually, he cried when I started rocking him to sleep. I stood up and patted him, and he fell asleep on my shoulder at 8pm. He slept through until 3:30am! And then he slept again from 4am to 5:30am.

I wasn't able to sleep after waking up at 3:30am, but I laid in bed, resting, until he got up for the day. Now he's napping again (which is normal for him around 7am or so). But what's new and different is... he's napping outside of my arms! He's napping in his infant seat. Hurray!

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