Saturday, January 2, 2010

Happy New Year 2010!

Happy New Year! Andrew, Oliver, and I rung in the new year by sleeping through it. Honestly, I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

This year, most of my resolutions deal with my fitness level. I've already lost my "baby weight," but my body is out of shape. To deal with my sagging stomach, I resolve to do a minimum of 50 crunches 5 days a week. Crunches are easy for me to do because I can get them done and count aloud to Oliver as he plays.

I also resolve to extend my running. In 2008, I ran a 5k without walking for the first time. I also completed my first 10k. In early 2009, I completed my first half marathon. Now, post-pregnancy, I can't run more than a quarter-mile. I know it's going to be slow moving, but I'm determined to get my distance back up. It's my goal to complete the Cherry Creek Sneak 5k (April 25), even if I have to take multiple walk breaks to do it.

To work on my distance, I'll continue going to the gym. It hurts to run still from delivery, but it doesn't hurt to "run" on the elliptical. Once I'm healed, I'll move to the treadmill, and, once it's warmer, I'll take Ollie for jogs in his jogging stroller.

Speaking of Ollie, my last resolution is to be a patient mother. I need to relax and enjoy Oliver in this infant stage and not be as concerned with what I'm not getting done around the house. If I have to, I'll use my weekends for cleaning. I only get to enjoy these moments once! Before I know it, he'll be complaining for me to put him down instead of pick him up, and then I'll miss these days.

1 comment:

  1. Great resolutions! I ran my first 5k on Thanksgiving in 2009 (only walking like 3 minutes). The time wasn't great, but I did it!!

    We can have a GREAT 2010!!

    Yes...if there's one thing I can say, enjoy the infant stage, each milestone, while exciting, means they'll never go back...never be AS dependent...I know that more now than ever as we approach Charlie's first birthday. The time will FLY!! Love you, dear friend!
