Thursday, April 22, 2010

Earth Day at the Botanic Gardens

I took Oliver to the Denver Botanic Gardens today. I have a season pass, and Earth Day seemed like a good day to go. As a bonus, they were having story time every hour on the hour until 1pm. Unfortunately, it's more difficult to get out the door on time now that I have a wee one, so we pulled up at the Gardens at 10 after. Oops! That's OK, we still had fun strolling through. I showed Oliver some flowers, and he thought they were OK. I took him to where Andrew and I were married, and he didn't seem interested ;-). A group of elderly men were very excited to see Oliver, and one of them kept saying, "She's looking around! She's looking at everything!" Yes, he referred to my baby boy as a she, hehe. Ah well!

The way home from the Botanic Gardens was even more of an adventure. The car started to overheat because traffic was so thick. I made the sacrifice of pulling over at Lollicup. We sat at the cafe for about 20 minutes and let the car cool down. I sipped on a boba tea to pass the time.

During that 20 minutes, it began to rain. To get back to the car, I draped the extra pair of Ollie jammies I had in my purse over his head. We made it! After a few blocks, my windshield started to fog up. My defroster thing doesn't work, so I had to open the window. I got soaked! Meanwhile, Oliver started to get hot, and he started crying (and crying and crying). It was pretty rough, but we made it home.

Happy Earth Day!

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