Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Oliver's First Photo Shoot

For Mother's Day, Andrew's mom, Colleen, gave me a photo shoot for Oliver. The original plan was to have his pictures taken then, in the middle of May. I decided that the pictures would be better if Oliver was sitting, which he wasn't really at that time. So we waited until yesterday.

Yesterday, Colleen and I took Oliver to Wash Park to meet the photographer. He was dressed in his new jean shorts from Colleen and a plain, white T-shirt that I picked out for the occassion.

Our photographer, Lisa, brought a bucket and soft, white blanket with her. We took photos of Oliver in the bucket first. He was smiling and giggling, and it went well. We moved on to the edge of the pond and took photos of him sitting up on his own. He was even more smiley in those pictures. From there, we took a few pictures of him with Colleen. There were "serious" pictures of him studying her necklace as well as pictures of him in fits of laughter. After those, I set Oliver on the park bench, and Lisa took pictures of him smiling and looking serious. He sat there for quite some time, so I imagine there'll be a lot of good ones of him chilling on the bench. Last, but definitely not least, was my favorite of the bunch: Oliver wearing only his diaper, sitting right in front of a couple ducks. They were maybe five feet away, and Oliver was holding his stuffed, fuzzy duckling. The best part? He was crying. That sounds mean of me, but, I swear, it was so cute. At that point, we'd been taking pictures in the heat (yes, it was brutally hot even though we started at 9am) for an hour and a half. Of course he was cranky! But, I'm telling you, he looked absolutely adorable.

I'm dying to see all these pictures! Of course, she has to edit them on work on them for a bit. Lisa estimates we'll get our pictures in 2-3 weeks. Colleen was talking about buying the digital copies of them all so we can print from home, so I should be posting photos within a month!

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