Friday, October 8, 2010


As your typical engaged parents, Andrew and I play games all the time with Oliver. His favorite has been pat-a-cake, although he doesn't clap for it--he rolls his fists at the "roll it" part.

Today, we played some peek-a-boo. He's always found it fun, but today, he decided to play it himself! He took Andrew's shirt and held it over his face. Then, he lowered it, revealing a big grin on his face. We yelled, "peek-a-boo!" He squealed with delight and did it again and again and again and again (and again...).

A short while later, Andrew and I were laying on the bed while Oliver played with the socks on the floor below. Well, then he started playing peek-a-boo again, only this time by ducking out of sight and then popping his head over the mattress. He had a ball doing it over and over while he yelled "peek-a-boo" and cheered.

I love seeing him play these games himself. He's such a big boy!

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