Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Isn't Pig Won't Naughty?

Aunt Julie bought Oliver a book last Christmas called, "Isn't Pig Won't Naughty?" Andrew and I enjoyed reading it to him while making different voices for "Pig Will" and "Pig Won't." It has now moved up the list to being his favorite book. If Oliver and I are playing in his room, he'll crawl over, grab it off the shelf and hand it to me, saying, "More!" I'll read it once, declaring, "The End!" when it's over. He hands it back and shouts, "More!" Rinse and repeat five times.

Oliver woke up at 5am this morning and played with Dad. At 6am, Andrew brought him to me to nurse. Oliver fell asleep in our bed next to us for an hour. When he woke up, he immediately crawled out of our bed and over to the stack of books on the floor from the night before. He selected, "Isn't Pig Won't Naughty?" and handed it to me. In case that wasn't a strong enough hint, he said, "More." I read it six times before Andrew was able to distract him enough to keep me from having to read it a seventh.

Pictured: I'm reading the book to Oliver, and then I set it down on the floor. This last picture is of him about to say, "More," while handing me the book.

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