Sunday, December 19, 2010

Oliver Visits Santa Claus

Our realtor had let us know that Santa would be arriving at Coldwell Bank on December 4. They would even offer free photos with the big man in red. We were so excited for the opportunity. Oliver didn't get to see Santa Claus last year because he was so small, and we were worried about exposing him to H1N1.

We dressed Oliver up in his flannel best and took him to meet Santa Claus. Although he's a popular guy, the wait was short, and the bank's staff were kind. Oliver enjoyed walking around the furniture and watching all the big kids play. After about a fifteen minute wait, we were called to the back. We walked around some cubicles, and then we spotted him. Santa!

Andrew said hello to Santa and introduced him to Oliver. I let Santa know Oliver would really appreciate a wooden puzzle for Christmas. Then, we sat Oliver up on his lap. The photographer snapped this quick photo a moment before Oliver burst into tears!

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