Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Long Flights

My parents treated us and my siblings to a trip to Saint Thomas! It was fun and relaxing, and I loved getting to spend time with my family. The trip is for another blog, though (specifically, this one: http://www.travelblog.org/Bloggers/WhirledPeas/).

On Thursday and Monday, Oliver had to deal with twelve hours of travel each. I was nervous and stressed about it, but he was such a pro traveler. I mean it. I think he let out a total of three whines during all of the travel.

Mostly, we did well because we pushed all of his naps until we were on the plane. We also had a lot of snacks available for him, and we brought tons of little toys in his diaper bag. As a hallelujah, we brought along a DVD. We only had to break the DVD out once!

The experience was still a bit stressful because Andrew and I were so focused on keeping Oliver constantly entertained and happy. Therefore, we really needed a mental break from all the travel. It helped that we traveled with family who all wanted to spend time with Oliver, as Andrew and I could take a little time for ourselves and each other.

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