Monday, July 4, 2011

100 (Attempted) Ways to Entertain a Young Toddler, Day 7: Glow Sticks

I was at Michael's the other day and spotted red, white and blue glow sticks for 70 cents! Thinking of Oliver, I bought one for last night (fireworks were on July 3 in our town).

As we waited for fireworks (which Oliver loved, by the way), I cracked the glow stick and handed it to him. He loved it! He immediately began spinning it and moving it around. He also wanted us to twirl it for him to watch.Unfortunately, the 70 cent glow stick didn't last long. Oliver tried to bite it once, and that was probably the cause of the hole that we discovered after some of the fluorescent liquid dripped onto the ground. Boo. I had to take it away from him (he handled it well, though).

Oliver typically goes to bed with the sun (by 8:30pm), so he doesn't spend a lot of time outside and in the dark. I really want to do glow sticks again with him, but I'm going to wait until the days are a little shorter.

I don't have much to base my grade on, since the glow sick only lasted about five minutes, but from what I observed, it deserves an A! Just be sure you watch your young toddler with it in case they decide it bite it like my son did.

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