Thursday, December 8, 2011

Trail of Lights 2011

Every year, we get free passes to Denver Botanic Gardens' Trail of Lights and Blossoms of Lights. We usually opt to go to Blossoms of Lights downtown. It's really lovely, but the lines are long and the event is crowded, so it's not ideal for taking little kids. Last year was the first year we took Oliver, and we chose to go to Trail of Lights. It was less spectacular, but it had more of a rugged, "Colorado" feel that we enjoyed.

We decided to bundle up the kids and take them to Trail of Lights. I was cold--close to freezing--but it didn't feel uncomfortable when we left. Here's Jo, ready to head out and check out the holiday display:

We arrived at the Chatfield location, and, like last year, were amazed at how busy it wasn't. There were about a dozen cars in the lot, so we parked close. Almost immediately after stepping out of the car, we regretted our decision to go. The open fields provided no protection from the wind, and it felt bitter cold.

We hiked up to the entrance where there was a large fire pit. It was quite cozy, and we were able to stay warm.

We enjoyed the lights from afar and opted not to go through the trails. Ten minutes or so in, I decided it would only get colder outside and decided to take Joanna back to the car. Oliver cried because he wanted to go see all of the Christmas trees I'd promised him, so Andrew took him over to a nearby bush to count lights as Jo and I made the cold trek back.

I felt disappointed. It took about half an hour to get our kids bundled up and ready to leave the house, and it took about 20 minutes to drive to Chatfield. We only spent 10 minutes there. We didn't want the outing to be for naught, so we decided to stop at Starbucks on the way home.

Oliver and Jo were a hit at Starbucks. The tables were filled with women who were, presumably, taking breaks from Christmas shopping. They gushed over our kids in their snowsuits, and I sipped my latte feeling like I had the most adorable kids who ever existed.

Even though the night didn't go as planned, I enjoyed getting out of the house and spending time with my family. Next year, we'll try again, and I'm willing to bet things will go a lot better!

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