Saturday, February 11, 2012

Pinterest Challenge Day 11: Portobello, Broccoli, and Red Pepper Melts

Today's pin was a meal from the Meatless Monday site. I'd saved it and planned on making it, but never got around to it until today. OMG. I'm so glad I did. I'm going to go ahead and say that you have to make this.

Here is the pin:

Remember: to get the recipe, just click that link, and then click the picture in the link. That's how Pinterest works!

When I read the ingredient list, I was a little confused about what "country bread" was. I'd never heard of it, but I thought I might find it at the store. Nope. So I picked out a loaf of pugliese bread. The next thing that confused me about the ingredient list was the quantity of vegetables. Four portobello mushroom caps for four slices of bread? Two red bell peppers for four slices of bread? How would all of this fit? I told myself that maybe the vegetables shrink a lot from roasting, so I went ahead and chopped all of those mushrooms and peppers in addition to the broccoli and garlic. Don't forget to always double the garlic in a recipe. I'm a garlic fiend, so that's my rule of thumb for the kitchen.

Anyway, yes, I chopped lots of veggies. I made the mayo smear, substituting Miracle Whip for the mayonnaise and doubling the garlic (OK, I quadrupled it). I smeared on the mayo mixture and topped it with the roasted veggies and...

...I had way too many vegetables. Who knows, maybe country bread is huge or something. I don't know. But I had so many vegetables and couldn't fit them on the bread. So, I made more of the mayo smear and sliced more bread. At seven, I decided to just stop because, really, there are only two-and-a-half eaters in this house.

Here's what I ended up with before adding the cheese:

And here are all of the leftover vegetables that didn't fit on top of the seven slices of bread:

So, yes, there were way, way too many vegetables for just four slices of bread. That's OK. Next, I sliced up some Gouda cheese and stuck it on top, like so:

I popped those suckers in the oven and ended up with these beauties:

They were garlic-y and perfect. I ate two, and they're quite filling. As I'm writing this, my mouth is watering thinking about how good these were, so I'm trying to resist the urge to go eat a third.

This recipe is definitely a keeper. Thank you, Pinterest.

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