Monday, July 2, 2012

And the Winner Is...

Oliver and I worked hard and made some amazing cakes, but the winner of the Southwest Airlines cake competition went to another airplane cake.  The pin for the winning entry is here:

I must admit, that is a really, really good airplane cake, and it's done better than the one Oliver and I made.  I think we put up a good fight, though, and I'm proud that we were the first ones to submit an airplane cake, and proud that we took cute photos of our cakes.

I'd waited and waited to hear the winning entry announced.  The longer I waited, the more sure I was it wasn't us.  I sent off a self-addressed, stamped envelope to find out which was the winning entry.  A couple days later, the winner was announced on their blog.  I have to admit, I was a little disappointed it wasn't us.  But the winner definitely deserved to win, as her airplane cake was better than ours and better than the other plane cakes.

Then, today, I came home to a little package from Southwest Airlines.  They sent a thank you card along with a few little goodies, including a blow-up airplane.

It might sound silly, but it made me feel better about not winning the contest.  Besides, as far as Oliver is concerned, what's better than spending a week baking cakes and then getting a toy airplane on top of it all?  No kidding, the boy loves airplanes.  As soon as he hears one, he looks excitedly to the sky and points them out to me.  As I write this, he's happily flying his new Southwest Airlines toy plane around the house.

Thanks, Southwest!  I really appreciate the little goody bag, and Oliver loves the toy plane.

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