Thursday, August 9, 2012

A Hot Air Balloon Ride to Celebrate Our Fifth Anniversary

Our Fifth Anniversary

For Christmas, Andrew gave me tickets for a hot air balloon ride from Fair Winds in Boulder.  I decided to save the trip for our anniversary. We're
celebrating five years of marriage.  This year was a little rough, as we had to deal with medical scares and issues.  We never fight over anything, so, together, we made our way through those challenging periods.  Our anniversary became an extra-meaningful celebration.

My mother-in-law watched the kids for us.  We went to the hot air balloon take off site at 6am.  They had donuts and coffee laid out for all the passengers, but I refrained because I worried I'd end up needing to pee or something while in the air.  That's pretty much the only time you'll see me turn away a cup of coffee.

Andrew got to help fill the hot air balloon!

Here is our hot air balloon pilot, Jeff:

Once our balloon was filled, we climbed into the large basket with the eight other passengers.

 ...and we're off!

The ride was very peaceful and relaxing.  The balloon moved slowly with the air.  I loved watching the city of Boulder below us.  We made it up to about 10,000 feet above sea level, or 4,000 feet above the ground.

Happy Anniversary, Andrew.

Here I an, soaring above Boulder, Colorado, in a hot air balloon!  I'm self-conscious of the swollen, bruised cheek that I got from a visit to the dentist last week.

Hello, Boulder!

Here we are coming in for our landing in a field of cows.  Landing was much easier than I'd anticipated!  The basket of our balloon touched down a couple times to slow us way down, and then it lowered to a complete stop.

Andrew got to help lower the balloon as it deflated:

Since I'd skipped the breakfast from the hot air balloon company, we went to the Dushanbe Tea House after our flight to get breakfast.  It's also where we had our wedding reception five years ago.  :)

What a wonderful way to celebrate our little marriage milestone.  I look forward to our many adventures together in the years and decades to come!

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