Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Separation of Church and State

Can I just say this?

It's fine if someone feels birth control pills and in vitro fertilization (IVF) goes against their personal religious beliefs, but it's not acceptable to try to legislate those beliefs. I am not Mormon. I am not Catholic. While it's fine and dandy for politicians to have their own religious views and belief systems, it should not interfere with their ability to do their job! It's time to stop trying to pass laws that force others to practice their religion.

If birth control pills are against your religious beliefs, then don't use them. They are not against my religion, so stop trying to pass laws to tell me what to do! Freedom of religion doesn't mean you get to try to make everyone follow your religion through laws and legislation. It means you get to follow your beliefs without persecution, and I get to follow mine.

Thank you for letting me vent.  And now, back to my blog about being a mommy...

/end political rant


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I appreciate that comment!

    To be clear, I know the Romney and Ryan views do not represent all Mormons and Catholics.

    IVF involves creating embryos. Not all of them are used, and not all of them implant. Some people believe that because the process of IVF results in the death or destruction of embryos, it goes against God or their religion. At its core, their argument against IVF is basically the same argument against the morning-after pill, or Plan B. It doesn't allow embryos to live or grow into a person.

    I can totally get behind people believing that. I logically can understand why some people might be against IVF for that reason. But I don't support politicians who have those views trying to pass laws that would make the procedure illegal for everyone else.

    That was the point of my post--not that people can't have their own religious views. They can and they should. I'm proud to live in a country where people can be Catholic or Mormon and still be acceptable candidates for President. However, I get upset when people try to pass laws that make their personal religious beliefs the law for everyone.

  3. I totally agree and have been saying that since all the birth control wars have started. What makes this a political issue? I am like you in that I think everyone can have their own views on this and other subjects of this nature, however I do not understand how these are political issues at all. Politicians should be worried about citizen safety, international affairs, war, debt, unemployment, etc...
