Friday, September 21, 2012

My First Giveaway: Candy Corn Hats

I've been busy with my knitting needles! Over the last few months, I've knit half a dozen candy corn hats. I love candy corn decor in the fall! I thought it would be a cute, personal first giveaway for my blog.

Keep reading to find out how to enter!

Check out my little kiddos in their candy corn hats! And, yes, I knit a matching candy corn colored dress for Jo, too. It's a little big, but she's still as cute as a button.

The giveaway starts now, and it will end at noon (mountain time!) on Tuesday, September 25. It's open to people in the US. To enter, just leave a comment below with your first and second choice in hat size (I have 3 month, 3-6 month, 12 month, and a couple in the 2T to 3T range). You can get one extra entry by following me on Google Friend Connect (on the right-hand sidebar). Just leave a second comment letting me know you follow me through GFC. Don't forget to leave your email in the comment so I can contact you if you're a winner! On Tuesday, I will choose two winners through a random number generator. You will have until Friday the 28th to get back to me with the address I should mail it to, or else I'll pick a substitute winner. The first person I choose should get their first choice in hat size. The second winner will get their second choice if I'm out of their first choice.

Thanks for following my blog. I'm excited to send these out to show my appreciation to you all!


  1. Becky - your hats are adorable! And that dress - so cute :) I remember Andrew telling me how you did the Pinterest challenge a while back and I was so jealous of all the fun stuff you tried :)
    Size preference: 12 month, then 2T

  2. Also now following you on GFC. Great blog!

  3. These are really cute! I was just lamenting about how I don't have any cute winter hats my my little dude yet.
    Pref: 3T

  4. So cute, and just in time for Halloween! I crochet, knitting intimidates me for some reason.
    Size: 12 month

  5. Kathy (, September 23, 2012 6:30:00 AM

    Very cute! The larger size (2T-3T) would look great on my grandson. If that is not available, a 3-6 month size for my friends new granddaughter. Love the blog.

  6. Make that in my previous comment

  7. They are adorable! I'd love one in size 2T/3T but if not, I would happily take one in 12 mo. :)

  8. My comment is above and I too forgot my e-mail:

  9. Thank you all for joining in my giveaway! I just selected two random numbers using, and the lucky numbers were 1 and 7! I'll be contacting Corey and Kathy within the hour!
