Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sushi

Yesterday, I promised I'd share a kid-friendly sushi recipe with you today. I didn't forget!

Check out what I stumbled upon on Allrecipes.com!

It's so easy!  OK, so mine didn't turn out as nice-looking as Smucker's did, but Oliver didn't seem to mind.

First, use a rolling pin and flatten out a piece of bread.  If you don't do a good job here, the bread won't roll very well and will crack.

Then, spread some peanut butter onto the flattened slice of bread.  Spread some jelly or jam on top of the peanut butter. Your rolls will look cuter if you use a dark jelly. I made these last time with apricot jam, and they weren't as cute because there was no contrast. Cut off the crusts, and then roll up your bread (starting with a long side). Your roll should look something like this:

Slice your roll into six pieces and set them on a plate.  Look how cute!

We have some toddler monkey chopsticks that my in-laws gave us for Oliver. He loves them. He used them for two pieces of sushi before setting them aside and just using his hands.

The cutest part? When he was all done, he asked me for "more peanut butter jelly sushi."


  1. I just found you... and am liking some of your fun ideas... to do with my grandson... and my 82 year old legally blind father!

  2. I'm so glad you found my blog and like the ideas! I test out new ideas all the time--some work, and others are flops. It's fun coming up with new activities all the time, though :)
