Sunday, September 16, 2012

President Obama in Golden, Colorado

It happened! I got to see the President! Unlike last time when I was stuck trying to just listen to his speech from a speaker, I actually had good "seats" to watch President Obama speak on Thursday. My coordinator gave Andrew and me priority seats, and I ended up just 50 feet away from the podium. Sweet!

The forecast for the day was high 50s and cloudy. We were going in the morning, so it was even colder. Oliver stayed with Grandpa Paul, and we dressed Jo head to toe in fleece to keep her warm.

Check out this cutie!

Well, the forecast was wrong. There were almost no clouds. The sun started to beat down on us before 9am, and temperatures quickly reached the 60s. Oops. Jo was quite unhappy. Andrew took her home. I called Phuong, who was there with a standard ticket, and told her to come join me. I don't know if it's allowed (probably not), but I had Andrew's priority ticket stub and gave it to her. And, so, I ended up getting to watch the President with my best bud.

We got to listen to Ken Salazar speak about clean energy--specifically, all of the jobs created in Colorado from our wind energy tax credit.

Then, one of the other coordinators at the campaign office I volunteer at got to speak. What an amazing opportunity for her!

We listened to a teacher in Jefferson County introduce President Obama. Check out the crowd here in Jefferson County!

Here are the photos I took of the President. His speech was very motivational. Although he addressed sobering issues regarding Libya, he also talked about renewable energy, benefits and help from returning servicemen and women, national debt, women's health, and gay marriage.

Phuong took a photo of me so I could be content knowing I have a photo of myself "with" the President.

After the speech, we took a stroll around historic Golden and got some lunch. Oliver was sleeping back home, so it took a few hours for Andrew to get back to pick us up. I can't complain: the scenery was beautiful, lunch was tasty, and the company was welcome.

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