Sunday, September 23, 2012

Third Annual Kids' Day

We held our third Kids' Day yesterday. Kids' Day is a day we dedicate every year to doing fun things with the kids in town. The whole day is theirs!

In the morning, we met my mom for breakfast at Starbucks. Oliver and Jo split a piece of pumpkin bread. It's their favorite! Once we finished eating, we drove to Longmont and went apple picking (post here). The kids loved the farm!

After nap time, we suited up the kids and went to the local rec center for a swim. Jo is a born swimmer. She loves the water. We can't leave the bathroom doors open because she crawls to the shower or tub, pulls herself up into a stand, and starts yelling desperately to get in. When we give her baths, she splashes and laughs and has a ball--and when it's time to take her out, she is just devastated. She cries and tries to get back in!

The pool seemed like a great idea for Jo. The Link Rec Center pool is heated to over 90 degrees and feels like bath water. Jo took to it immediately. She wasn't content to sit in the shallow area and splash. She wanted to get in the pool. She wanted us to hold her by the arm pitties and drag her around while she kicked and kicked like the little swimmer she is. We'd sit her on the pool edge, and she'd jump in! We'd catch her before she went under, of course. She is fearless!

Oliver sure adores his baby sister. We're the luckiest parents ever.

We spent the rest of the afternoon using appliances. We used the apple peeler in the morning for applesauce. In the afternoon, we used the stand mixer to make pumpkin bread, and then we used the ice cream maker (currently Oliver's favorite appliance) to make ice cream. The boy loved it. He's so hilarious, and I love how passionate he is about making things.

Our Saturday was all "kid." I'm glad we get to have these days to appreciate our family and our children's interests!

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