Saturday, October 6, 2012

Christmas Tip: Rewards Points

I know! I know! Some of you are rolling your eyes at me for posting stuff about Christmas in October. Some tips for saving money at Christmas are best utilized well before Christmas, like this tip regarding rewards points. Reward redemption programs work. You get free things for entering codes from the products you already buy. The only downside to them is that you have to actually save your codes and take the time to enter them, and getting your reward can take 6 to 8 weeks.

It's a small inconvenience, but start participating in reward programs. PampersHuggies, and Disney all have rewards programs. Even the YoBaby yogurt that I buy my kids has a rewards program! I attached links to all of those rewards programs. Enter your points, and every year before Christmas, cash them in for toys to put under the tree.

In my house, we alternate using cloth diapers and disposable, but we still have had enough points to get free rewards from Pampers and Huggies. We've gotten free potty seats from Huggies. I've used my Pampers codes to make free photo books and calendars on Shutterfly. All you do is enter in the codes onto their rewards website. If you follow them on Facebook, they also regularly post free rewards codes there.

As a Christmas gift for Joanna, I just ordered these bath tub crayons (with a rubber ducky eraser!) from Pampers. Redeeming points is entirely free!

I haven't ordered anything this year with my Huggies points yet, but I'm close to being able to afford this cute little bumble bee flashlight. Oliver and Jo both play with a little plastic flashlight that we have at home. I think this kids' one will be a hit.

I love Disney movies, but it's not in our budget to purchase movies at this stage in our life. I'm fortunate to have a dad who loves movies and buys DVDs a few times a month. So, I use his reward codes (He probably just found out as he read that. I love you, Dad!). I also use the free codes they post occasionally on their Facebook page. I once got a children's songs DVD with my rewards points. This year, for Christmas, I just ordered this 48-piece jigsaw puzzle for Oliver. Cashing in the rewards points is absolutely free (no shipping charges or fees). 

I just opened a rewards account with YoBaby yogurt today, so I won't be able to redeem our points for anything this year. It looks like a great program, though. They have some sing-a-long CDs and some kids' crafts.

If you're buying these products anyway, you might as well get some freebies for doing so! If you already participate in any of these rewards programs, start browsing and ordering items now to make sure to get them before Christmas.

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