Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Giveaway: Turkey Hats

What's the point of having kids if you don't dress them in hilarious outfits every once in a while? I've been busy all week crocheting some turkey dinner hats. I made some for my kids, and I made two extra to give away on my blog! I think they're so funny and cute; I'm determined to make more to give as gifts to some loved ones in my life. 

Read below to learn how to enter this toddler turkey hat giveaway.

This giveaway is open to anyone with a mailing address in the US (I'm not mailing out of country; sorry!). Just leave a comment below with your email address. You can enter from now until this Saturday, November 10, at 9pm MST. I will use a random number generator to choose two winners. I'll email the winners sometime Saturday night, and the winners will have until Tuesday at 10am MST to get back to me with a mailing address. If I don't hear from the winners by then, I'll choose an alternate winner. This way, I can mail the packages so the winners receive their hats before Thanksgiving Day.

To have an extra entry, follow me with Google Friend Connect (you'll find it on the right-hand side) and leave a second comment letting me know you're a GFC follower.

For any of my readers who crochet, you can find the pattern on Etsy here. It's designed by Brooke's Little Stitches.

Good luck to all who enter!


  1. So cute; I'd love to win one! So glad I'll be in the States later this month (and have a US mailing address) to celebrate Thanksgiving, this would be perfect!

  2. I was already following via google reader, but I just joined via GFC too! Thanks again for the chance at this giveaway!

  3. I love your site and these hats! aehaltom @ gmail dot com

  4. Just found you via Pinterest and so glad I did! Love these 16 month old would look hilarious in one! Keep up the good work!

  5. Those are really stinkin cute! I have 2 daughters I love to dress up in crazy stuff!

    ykatrina at hotmail dot com

  6. Hilarious! So cute dawnkharris @ gmail dot com

  7. I am so sorry for your bad day. I hope the car is not broken. The turkey hats are ADORABLE!

  8. I love the turkey hats!! So cute.

  9. Super cute. Hope you had a better day after the one full of tears.

  10. Thank you all for commenting and entering the giveaway! I went to and entered in numbers 1 through 10. It gave me numbers 7 and 1! So, Jen and Dawn, I will be sending you each an email within the next couple of minutes. You'll have until Tuesday morning at 10am MST to get back to me, or else I'll choose alternate winners. Congratulations, and I hope you both love your hats!

  11. Jen, You didn't leave your email address, but I went ahead and found a gmail one through your profile. I'm emailing you there!

  12. Great job with the hats!

    brooke's little stitches
