Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Animals for the kids' boo-boos

We went to Kohl's today to get a bear for the teddy bear drive benefiting the survivors and families of Sandy Hook. Oliver helped choose the big bear. The small bear has the letter S on its tummy. I tried to tell Oliver that some kids got hurt, and we wanted to help them get better. In the store, he kept talking about "giving the kids animals because they have boo-boos."

Here he is with the bears we selected. He did a very good job not getting upset when we dropped the bears off.

On a separate note, someone posted an image on Imgur today that had me in tears. You can find it here. It was written from one of the little friends of a victim.

If you're in the Denver area and would like to participate in the teddy bear drive, you can find information here.

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