Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Edinburgh, Scotland

I apologize for being off the map for so long! My husband and I finally took our trip to Edinburgh. We'd won free airfare from British Airways. Family were kind enough to give us some travel money as 30th birthday presents to me, so we were able to travel without too much worry and stress.

It was hard being away from the kids, but it was also nice having grown up time. I liked being able to eat my meals slowly and to sleep in late. It was really nice not being interrupted in conversations! I'm sure a lot of you parents know what I'm talking about. It was hard to be away, but also nice to be away.

I hope to get back into the swing of things in my blog shortly. For those of you who are interested in traveling, I highly recommend Scotland! It was a great destination. You can read all about our travels right here.


  1. So excited to read all about your time in Scotland. We are living here right now (until October), and I love hearing about what others do here when they visit. Helps me figure out everything we need to see before we leave. I commented on your St. Andrews post. That is my FAVORITE city in Scotland, so glad you got to visit there.

  2. St Andrews was beautiful! I enjoyed just roaming the streets getting coffee and such, but the cathedral area off the coast was breathtaking. You live in a beautiful country!
