Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Oliver's very first class without Mom

Oliver is growing up so quickly. Yesterday, I dropped him off at his first-ever class without me. It's a toddler/preschooler cooking class, and kids have to be at least 3 years old and potty trained to join. Oliver was one of the youngest.

Oliver has never been left with a babysitter (other than grandparents), and I know he can have a tough time giving other kids a turn to play. So, I planned on sitting in the first class in case he needed intervention or help. We got there, and the teachers let me know I could wait out in the hallway and watch from outside the classroom. I told Oliver I'd be out in the hallway if he needed me. When I stepped out of the classroom, I felt my eyes well up. Apparently, I'm a big sap.

I watched from the hallway. Oliver sat around the table with all of the other kids and was very well behaved. He listened to the teachers, did what they asked, and didn't seem to fret that I wasn't there. They made coffee cake, and Oliver got to measure and dump in one of the cups of flour. I felt so proud of him and also pretty wistful at how big he's getting. He's going to classes without me. In a year and a half, he'll be going to preschool. Holy cow.

He did so well that I felt silly hanging out in the hallway all class long with Jo. Next week, I think we'll drop him off for real and go back home for the duration of the class.

1 comment:

  1. You are totally not a sap!! When I returned back to work from maternity leave, my mom watched lil m, and the tears started!! The first day he started daycare I cried so hard in the car.. it is hard to leave the lil ones! but at least you know O is having a great time :)
    they grow too fast!!
