Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dusty Green Dainty Baby Blankie

I used a free pattern from Premier Yarns to make this "dainty baby blankie" for Phuong (pattern here). It went pretty quickly once I got comfortable with the pattern, but I used a lot more yarn than was called for (probably because I switched brands). I used six balls of "Vanna's Choice" in dusty green because I love natural colors. Besides, I figure she is probably getting a whole lot of pink stuff! I thought this would give her a nice contrast with pink, and it can be used again if she ever has a little boy.

I'd say this blanket is good for advanced beginners, which is what I consider myself. It was the second time I've ever done front-post and back-post double crochet stitches (BPDC and FPDC). It created those nice, raised stripes down the blanket.

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