Monday, February 25, 2013

Mommy Fail

I had another mommy fail today. I put both kids down for a nap around 2:30 this afternoon. Things were quiet at first, but then Jo started to cry. I decided to let her cry it out for a bit while I chopped veggies for soup and brewed coffee. She kept on fussing and crying, and I thought, "Geez, Jo, you have to be tired. Just go to sleep already." After about 20 minutes, she finally did. She only slept about half an hour and then woke up fussing again. "Oh well," I thought, "At least she can make it to bed time now." I went upstairs to grab her. I walked into the kids' room and saw her...

She was stuck on her stomach with both of her legs stuck all the way through the crib bars. I pulled her legs out and picked her up. As I held her, she didn't cry. I rubbed her legs in case they'd fallen asleep, but she seemed OK.

I feel like such a failure. I'm glad nothing horrible happened because of it, but, geez, that goes to show how something can go wrong when you least expect it.


  1. Worst when that stuff happens. Like letting 'em cry and then it turns out the diaper leaked. Bummer!

  2. Yes! But this time I felt especially bad because she was wedged and probably scared. I'm glad nothing terrible happened, but it's such a sinking feeling to walk in and see your kid stuck! I felt neglectful, but it still doesn't compare to the time Oliver opened the back door and crawled out onto the porch and started to crawl off into the open space...
