Tuesday, March 5, 2013

100 (Attempted) Ways to Entertain a Young Toddler, Day 90: Stacking Blocks

I get a few monthly updates in my inbox that tell me what stage my kids are in, what parenting difficulties I might face this month, and what activities might be good for their development. I'm actually not even sure how I got subscribed to these emails, and I don't always read them. I think I get one from Pampers and one from some sort of "baby center" or something. Well, anyway, I recently read that Joanna is at a good age to enjoy stacking blocks. She received some large, stacking/nesting blocks for Christmas. At the time, she wasn't very interested in them. At almost-16-months, she's supposed to be interested in them now (according to my email...). So, I decided to test it as a young toddler activity.

I demonstrated to Jo how the blocks stacked. She took to it immediately! Our blocks are various sizes, and she didn't grasp the concept that smaller blocks should be stacked on larger ones. That must be a later development stage. She was positively thrilled to stack them up however she could, only to knock them down immediately and squeal with glee!

Here are some photos of Joanna testing out our "Stacking Blocks" activity:

This activity wasn't just fun; it was a hit. We tested it out yesterday morning, and she keeps begging to play again and again. When she isn't stacking blocks, she can be found pointing to the computer, pleading with me to play the videos of her stacking her blocks.

Pros: Simple, Educational (gets them thinking), Fun, No Mess
Cons: Blocks costs money

I couldn't find these exact blocks to link for you, but I did find some Melissa & Doug Nesting & Stacking Blocks that are very similar:

Because of the upfront cost involved (and, thus, planning), I give "Stacking Blocks" an A-.


  1. This is the store where I found those stacking/nesting blocks for her (and the little animals that go with them):

  2. and here's a link for Amazon for the stacking blocks (they are Djeco Topanimo stacking blocks):


  3. Thank you for doing this blog. I've been seriously pulling my hair out lately with my two little boys and just having a handful more simple ideas or new ways to do stuff we've already done is so great. Way to go!

  4. Try stacking cups from the dollar store and letting the kids knock em down. Hours of fun.
