Friday, March 22, 2013

Church "Garage Sale" in Arvada

A former coworker of mine posted a bulletin on Facebook about her church's "garage sale." She said the Arvada Church of Christ on Simms would be selling clothes 0-18 months for 25 cents each and clothes 2T through size 12 for 50 cents each. Jeans are $1. The sale is running today and tomorrow from 8am to 4pm. With prices like that, I had to check it out!

The clothes ranged from like-new to pretty worn. A spotted an occasional item that was dirty (I'm not sure if that was the condition the church go them in, or if shoppers were just careless). At first glance, I was a little disappointed. Once I started digging through the clothes, I got excited. We ended up spending exactly $4, and check out the loot!

For Oliver, I picked out four shirts in size 4T. They will be good for him this fall and winter. I didn't see any pants I liked, but I spotted those cute, plaid shorts for him. They might not fit until next summer, but I don't mind storing them. I mean, for 50 cents, how could I pass it up? I spent $2.50 on these five items for Oliver:

I spent $1.50 on clothes for Jo. Check out this cute little yellow outfit (25 cents!):

Here are a couple of simple summer tops and a little sun suit. These should fit Jo all summer:

I found a sun dress and a long-sleeved dress for chilly spring and fall days this year:

They are also letting kids pick out 1 toy for free, while supplies last. Oliver chose this really cute, red vacuum. It fell over in the car ride home, and the handle snapped. Andrew's going to superglue it when he gets home. Then, Oliver and I will vacuum upstairs!

Can you believe I got all that for $4? If you're in the Denver area and looking for a bargain to stock up on kid's clothes, be sure to check it out! Everything was hit-or-miss, but for 25 to 50 cents a pop, it's worth digging around. They also were selling bassinets that appeared to be in really good condition for $5.

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