Sunday, June 16, 2013

Father's Day Printable

I found a cute pin on Pinterest a couple months ago. It's a printable from Simply Montessori, and kids can fill out answers about their dad. Oliver is too little to write, so I wrote in the answers for him.

Here's his finished questionnaire about Andrew. The one we gave him his hand-written, and Oliver "signed" it. I don't have my scanner set up at the moment, so I just typed in the answers for my blog. Pretty cute, huh? I think I might try to do this every year and save them in a binder for Andrew.

...and, yes, Oliver got Andrew's age right! He has a good memory and understanding of numbers, just like his mama!

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Goodness!!!! I'm SO sorry you got hurt! :( Glad you're ok, and I think not only did you do the right thing to get experts to look at you, but your wound was cleansed properly, which will probably prevent more problems. Pat...pat...pat...
