Saturday, June 22, 2013

Joanna Sings "Happy Birthday" to Daddy

Joanna learned to sing a song! After we had a little birthday celebration for Andrew on Thursday, Jo started singing, "Happy Birthday to You." She was really excited to see another cake today for Andrew and started to sing again. I'm a proud mommy, and I think it's so impressive! She even pretends to blow out the candles as she sings!


Here's us making a cake for Andrew at Grandma Judy & Grandpa Larry's house. We just used a box cake mix, and I used a chocolate frosting recipe from (I doubled it). Oliver and Jo sampled the frosting and decided it was pretty good.

Oliver sprinkled a few chocolate chips on top of the first layer. 

I topped the cake with the second layer and frosted it.

Oliver added chocolate chips, sprinkles, and Heath pieces to the top.

And then he added candles.

He wanted to use the frosting bag, too, so I squeezed it while Oliver moved it around.

Here is the finished birthday cake!

Oliver got to help blow out the candles again.

In our family, I guess birthdays turn into birthday weekends! No complaints here. Yum.

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