Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Joanna's Candy Corn Dress

Now that most of our hard work on the house is behind us (oh, thank goodness!), I am trying to get organized in my in-law's basement and trying to get back into a good routine with the kiddos.

I have a new project I'm working on for a giveaway after Labor Day (more hats, yay!). They are fantastic, and I think everyone is going to love them. In addition for making two for my blog, I am making a bunch for my kids, my cousins' kids, and my niece & nephew.

As I was going through my yarn and things, I realized I hadn't posted about the candy corn dress I made for Jo last fall. Of course, I want to post pattern information for my crafty readers, but I also want her to be able to look back and know how much I enjoy making things for her. My mom always sewed for my sister and me. While I'm a novice with the sewing machine, I'm getting better and better at knitting and crochet. I look forward to making many more things for my kiddos.

I know; it's weird that I'm already thinking of the fall and Halloween. I can't help it! I'm eager for these hot days of summer to be over, and so I'm dreaming of autumn.

I'd based the candy corn dress off of Lion Brand's free pattern called the "perfect sundress." I made some big changes. First, I made the top part of the dress striped instead of solid by alternating two rows of my main color (yellow) with two rows of white. I also made that striped part ribbed by doing a basic rib stitch (knit, purl, knit, purl, etc). I decided to make the pockets that same pattern as the top (striped & ribbed), and I also made the pockets smaller. I made the bottom part of the dress (the contrast orange) in a rib stitch, too, to keep it from rolling up. Finally, I decided to sew on buttons and add button holes to the shoulder in order to 1) have more orange, and 2) ease of putting it on Jo.

The only thing I think I would change on the dress is the neck hole. I think it was too large, and it wouldn't lay flat. It was big enough on top that I might see if Jo can wear it again this year. The skirt might be short, but I can pair it with leggings!

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