Saturday, August 31, 2013

Summer Bucket List Update

We've crossed a few more items off of our summer bucket list! Last weekend, we took the kids for a swim at the local rec center. Jo was in heaven! She loved the walk-in pool with the splash features. We also went and visited Andrew at work for lunch (photo above). Finally, we didn't make it to Bonnie and George's house, but they came out this way to visit us and brought us some of their home grown tomatoes.

I'm starting to worry we won't get everything done by the end of summer! I'm giving myself until the literal last day of summer (September 21) to try to get everything done. We shall see!

Watch a fireworks display on the Fourth of July.
Bake a berry stars & stripes cake with Oliver.
Run through the sprinklers.
Go to a splash park.
* Play in the "creek" at the Children's Mordecai Gardens at the Denver Botanic Gardens.
* Watch our first parade.
Ride the outdoor train at Belleview Park.
* Visit a petting zoo.
* Take the kids for a swim.
* Have a real outdoor picnic on the grass with a picnic basket.
* Watch a sunrise.
* Go for a hike in the mountains.
Go on a road trip.
Go out for an ice cream cone, and eat it outside!
Make our own ice cream, and let Oliver choose the flavor.
* Pick and eat vegetables out of the garden we're growing at Grandma Judy's house.
* Eat cherry tomatoes right off the vine at Aunt Bonnie & Uncle George's house.
* Throw water balloons.
Go tent camping overnight.
* Look at stars in the sky.
* Visit Andrew at work for lunch.
* Take the train downtown to visit Grandpa Larry for lunch.
* Go to the Fireman's Museum.
* Use sidewalk chalk.
Blow bubbles.
Take Father's Day photos with the letters that spell out "DAD" again.

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