Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Summer Bucket List Update: Taking the Train Downtown

I took the kids on the light rail. We went downtown to visit my dad for lunch! Oliver has recently developed a strong interest and love for trains, and he watches Thomas the Train almost every day when Jo takes her nap. I knew he would love taking the light rail, but I worried he would expect something a little more like Thomas the Train and be disappointed in the commuter train. So, the night before, I told him about our plans to ride the train. I also explained that it wouldn't be like Thomas. This would be a train that had lots of cars to hold people.

The next morning, Oliver chatted endlessly about the train. I reminded him a few times that it wouldn't be like Thomas. I was worried he was getting his hopes up. After what probably seemed like ages to Oliver, we finally left to catch the train and take it downtown. It cost me $8 to have a 6 hour ticket for the light rail. Thankfully, Oliver and Jo were both free because they're under 5! As we waited for the train, Oliver kept telling me what to expect. "Remember, Mom. This is a real train. It's not Thomas." 

This kid is going to totally flip out when he finds out we have tickets to ride Thomas the Train at the train museum in a few weeks. I'm pretty sure it will be the greatest day of his life. At any rate, he was so enthusiastic when the light rail train pulled up! It is as ordinary as can be, but Oliver was thrilled! He quickly learned about all the stops the train would make, and he'd announce to the other passengers when the train was stopping. He also explained, "We have to stop so people can get off, and other people have to get on the train." He memorized all the noises and dings and sound effects on the train. The half hour ride downtown flew by!

We caught my dad as he walked to meet us at the train. He took us on a little tour of his hotel, The Grand Hyatt. I've seen it many times and have stayed there a few times, but I haven't been there since its recent renovation. It's gorgeous! The whole lobby area has been redone in natural wood. Oliver was mostly interested in the elevators. We rode them all over the place! We checked out the pool and a couple of the ballrooms and meeting rooms. In one ballroom, all of these elegant glass decorations were hanging from the ceiling. There had to be 1,000+ of these things. I laughed as I imagined my dad hanging them. I love my dad, but he isn't the most patient person when it comes to repetitive, tedious work. I asked him if he'd broken any, and he answered, "A few. Then, a few days later, a bride threw her bouquet and broke a bunch more." Thankfully, he saved have back-ups ;-)

After touring the hotel and riding the elevators a number of times, we stopped for lunch at the Hyatt's Starbucks. That's one of Oliver and Jo's favorite places!

We loved our lunch downtown. It's something we'll have to be sure to do again soon. It also completed another item on our summer bucket list! We have less than two weeks to go, and there is still so much to do!

 Watch a fireworks display on the Fourth of July.
Bake a berry stars & stripes cake with Oliver.
Run through the sprinklers.
Go to a splash park.
* Play in the "creek" at the Children's Mordecai Gardens at the Denver Botanic Gardens.
* Watch our first parade.
Ride the outdoor train at Belleview Park.
Visit a petting zoo.
Take the kids for a swim.
* Have a real outdoor picnic on the grass with a picnic basket.
* Watch a sunrise.
Go for a hike in the mountains.
Go on a road trip.
Go out for an ice cream cone, and eat it outside!
Make our own ice cream, and let Oliver choose the flavor.
* Pick and eat vegetables out of the garden we're growing at Grandma Judy's house.
Eat cherry tomatoes right off the vine at Aunt Bonnie & Uncle George's house.
* Throw water balloons.
Go tent camping overnight.
* Look at stars in the sky.
Visit Andrew at work for lunch.
* Take the train downtown to visit Grandpa Larry for lunch.
* Go to the Fireman's Museum.
* Use sidewalk chalk.
Blow bubbles.
Take Father's Day photos with the letters that spell out "DAD" again.

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