Friday, November 8, 2013

Happy Birthday, Sick Jo!

I will have to do a full birthday update for Jo this weekend. Our whole household has been really sick this week. I think this is the sickest we've ever been! Thankfully, we finally seem to be on the upswing tonight. I was much too sick to take photos of Jo today, and she was too crabby from feeling sick to have had any fun with pictures, anyway. Andrew had to come home from work to watch the kids because I could barely move, and he took them outside for a peanut butter and jelly picnic. Then, he and the kids made frosting for cupcakes. Jo was too sick for a sandwich, but she somehow managed a birthday cupcake!

Happy Second Birthday, Joanna!

1 comment:

  1. SO sorry you've all been sick! Happy Happy anyway to poor Jo!
