Thursday, November 21, 2013

November Leaf Piles

I've been sick and not keeping up with this blog at all! The week of Jo's birthday, we were all so sick with a stomach bug. As we got over that, we had runny noses and sore throats that kept on going and going! Mine got worse, and then I was tossing and turning all Tuesday night with a high fever and aches & pains. All I can hope for is that we're getting exposed to all of the seasonal viruses now, and we'll be happy & healthy for the rest of the season!

Here are some photos and a video of us playing in the leaves on November 1. All of the leaves are off the tree now. I had thought about doing a toddler activity post regarding just letting little ones have fun outside in the leaves, but I was too sick to execute it (and now it's too late!). Giving kids time to just explore and play outside is so good for them, though. I usually try to get my kids outside (almost) daily, but that definitely hasn't been happening this month at all. We are cooped up with cabin fever!


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