Thursday, November 28, 2013


Happy Thanksgiving! I'm writing this post two weeks after the actual holiday. For reasons I won't get into just yet, we've been left with very little down time. So, I've been neglecting my blog big time!

Thanksgiving was very small and quiet. Andrew's parents drove to Utah to spend the holiday with my brother-in-law and his family. It's Paisley's first Thanksgiving! Andrew's great-aunt and great-uncle had reservations at a restaurant and plans for dessert with neighbors. My brother and sister had their own plans for the day. That left our family of four plus my parents. We had a Thanksgiving of six. My mom roasted a turkey for them and the kids. She made turkey stuffing and vegetarian stuffing. I worked on green bean casserole and mashed potatoes. The day before, Oliver and I made pies. Everyone had a different request for pie! My dad wanted banana cream, my mom always likes cherry, and Andrew asked for an autumn cheesecake. I felt like it wouldn't be Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie, so--long story short--we ended up with four full-sized desserts for our small group.

Our holiday was cozy and perfect. Due to an early morning run with my mom and a big dinner, I couldn't even stay awake after dessert and fell asleep promptly at 7pm.

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