Sunday, April 20, 2014

Happy Easter!

The Easter Bunny came! Jo was excited that the bunny left chocolate & bubbles for her. Oliver was thrilled with the hard-boiled eggs and squirt animals.

After breakfast, we went outside to find the eggs that the bunny must have left behind on the way to our house. Oliver had the time of his life! Seriously, he wore that grin the entire time. He doesn't like candy all that much (he usually only takes a couple bites), but he was so proud of his hard work that he ate basically all of the contents of those eggs (Jo helped, too).

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. We raised 6 children. Only once did I make the mistake of taking them to a public Easter Egg hunt. I really don't like those... for obvious reasons. After that, we had "Easter Bunny Day," the Saturday just before Easter Sunday. I used to make a cake in the shape of a bunny head and ears like the one on this page: I didn't use their recipe, but that shows how I cut the cake layers and put them together. I would decorate it with jelly beans, red licorice whips and sprinkle it all with sweetened shredded coconut on top of the icing. And then each child (and the DH) had a basket of goodies hidden somewhere in the house. For breakfast we'd have hard boiled eggs that they helped dye (I used the food coloring technique - super cheap) and hot cross buns and milk and orange juice. It's so sweet how much fun your little ones had in your own yard! I saw a great idea recently on Pinterest. The plastic eggs were color coded - each child got their own color! Another thing I saw the other day that I thought was SO nice... have the children "plant" jelly beans the night before, and when they go out in the morning, lollipops have grown! Your children are beautiful!
