Saturday, July 5, 2014

Eating Our Garden

Earlier this week, a storm creamed our garden. The cherry tomato cage fell over onto one of the raised beds, wiping out some cucumbers and collard greens. I had to tear off many damaged green onions and replant some onion bulbs. I also just picked & kept some of the damaged onions.

Things are starting to ripen in the back yard! It's so fun going to the back yard to pick veggies for lunch. My quinoa burger is topped with lettuce, onion, and tomato from the garden. The sweet peas are from our garden, too. Colorful & delicious! I'm feeling a little proud,

My brother and sister-in-law gave me some kale from their garden. It's so colorful!

I made kale chips with some of it.

Here's half of our raspberry bounty from today. The black raspberries are starting to finish up, but the red raspberries are just getting started!

We made some raspberry ice cream by blending vanilla ice cream with our raspberries.

Another surprise from today: a golden raspberry! It's the first ripe berry from that plant.

I love having a garden! It was a lot of work setting up, but now we're having a blast starting to harvest it.


  1. I am so proud of you and happy for you! But sad your garden got "creamed." It will come back. And how nice that you actually used your berries in ice cream!

  2. Hi, I just found your blog by searching Google for pictures of Witmer Park. My family and I will be moving there (into a house across from the park) in a couple of weeks! We also have a toddler, an interest in gardening, and a big appetite for quinoa burgers. I'll definitely be reading your blog, especially since I've noticed that you posted 100 ways to entertain a toddler.... :)
