Saturday, October 10, 2015

Star Wars Reads Day at the Library

It was Star Wars Reads Day at the library, so Darth and Obi Wan insisted we take them to the big event. The first thing we did upon our arrival was figure out our jedi names, and then the kids made lightsabers out of paper and tape. They got to practice their lightsaber skills against a bunch of balloons!

There were plenty of opportunities for photo ops:

And then the kids discovered the "trash compactor." I'm still cracking up over this. There was a giant box filled with crumpled up paper and empty plastic bottles. The kids climbed in and rolled around, pretending they were in the famous Star Wars scene. Apparently, it was a lot of fun. Our kids had so much fun in the box that other kids started to line up for their turn in the trash compactor. Oh, geez, that's funny.

After surviving the trash compactor, Oliver dodged lasers.

Thankfully, he survived the lasers, too. We played a few trivia games, and the kids won prizes (candy and cards). It was a big hit! The library offers some amazing programs, and nearly all of them are free! To find current events at the Des Moines Public Library, check out this link here.

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