Friday, June 24, 2016

Urbandale Parks Challenge: Golfview Park

After checking out Cross Creek Park, we walked over to nearby Golfview Park. It's park #13 for us. 19 more to go in our Urbandale Parks Challenge!

The trails made for an easy walk. As we got close to Golfview Park, the area became forested and we could see the creek in the ravine below. From where we stood, it looked like the creek was small enough for kids to play in. I even spotted a bike nearby and heard some kids in the distance, so I think it could be a place to let kids play in the creek. However, we didn't venture down there, so I can't vouch for how deep the water was or how fast it was moving.

Here's the path we took:

Oliver started complaining about the hike near the end, and I started to wonder if we'd made a wrong turn. I told him we'd walk for 100 more steps, and if we didn't see the park, we'd turn around. It didn't take long for us to round a bend and spot this playground:

So, on the other side of the playground is actually a neighborhood and homes. So, it's really not that remote, but it sure feels like it is after hiking through that bit of forest! I think the kids kind of felt like it was a secret park, too.

The park was very well shaded. It was 95 and sunny out, but we felt much cooler at this park with all the shade. The kids played for a good while!

They even had low-hanging monkey bars, which made the kids feel brave enough to try them out.

This was really a fun park! I kind of liked how we hiked into it. And, of course, I liked all the shade. To me, this park is definitely worth driving a few miles to Urbandale for.

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