Thursday, July 14, 2016

Jaycee Park. Urbandale Parks Challenge = Completed!

We did it! We've completed Urbandale's park challenge: visit 32 parks in 90 days! I'm happy we participated because it got us out of the house when we were feeling lazy, and it pushed me to see new parks of the larger Des Moines area. 

Jaycee Park is nice for how easy it is to get to the playground. I parked directly in front of the playground, and this is how it looked from the car (no zoom):

What that means, to me, is that this is an ideal park for when I just want to pull over somewhere and

let the kids play for a while. Don't get me wrong; I love strolling along trails and enjoying nature. But there are times you just want to get your kids to a playground to run around.

The playground itself isn't all that big, but it had enough to keep the kids busy for a while, and they played a lot in the little fort area (pictured above). They played store in there and then pretended it was a dentist's office. When they were done, we just hopped right back in the car, and I again appreciated how nice it was to just pop in and out of the park like that.

Oliver took this picture of Jo:

I will say, I am happy that I won't need to drive up to Urbandale again anytime soon. I like Urbandale, but it's a bit of a drive for us to do so regularly. Des Moines just started their own parks challenge earlier this month, and we've been slowly visiting parks on their tour list. Posts from that challenge will be coming soon! If you're interested in joining the Tour Des Moines Parks challenge, visit this Des Moines Parks and Rec page for more details. The challenge runs through the month of July and offers a chance at winning great prizes, like a weekend stay at Honey Creek Resort!

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