Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Urbandale Parks Challenge: Bestland Park

Bestland Park is park number 27 in our Urbandale Parks Challenge. That makes 5 more parks to go, and we have 3 days left!

Bestland Park sits between a neighborhood and a cornfield. It's a very open park, which probably makes it nice for the homeowners to see out from their houses and be able to watch their kids at the playground. The downside is the lack of shade! For a hot summer afternoon in July, this was a poor

choice! That's probably why the park and trail were completely empty when we went.

I think, if I lived in the neighborhood, I'd be thrilled to have this cute park nearby. Coming from farther away, I'd have to say that this park and playground isn't worth driving out to. It's just a very typical playground that I'm sure most people could find closer to their homes.

The dinosaur was kinda cute, though!

Oliver actually really liked playing with the gears at the top of the playground, so I'm happy we stopped.

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