Friday, July 8, 2016

Urbandale Parks Challenge: Colby Woods Open Space

I thought Colby Woods Open Space was a stunning area, though we never actually did find the playground! It was difficult to find access to the open space, and so we parked at Creekside Church on 82nd Place in Urbandale. There was a trail that ran on the east side of the parking lot and into the woods.

I recognized this statue from the Urbandale Parks and Rec website, so I knew we were in the right area.

A little free library!

We went left at the fork in the road by the statue and wandered down the shady trail. It was peaceful, but all of a sudden I heard a loud noise and something jumped out of the bushes! I jumped about ten feet in the air and laughed at myself when I saw it was a fawn. So cute!

We crossed the bridge over North Walnut Creek and came to another fork in the trail. We turned left and wandered a bit but didn't see the playground. I worried I would lose my way back--I guess I should have brought breadcrumbs to leave a trail ;-) I'm wondering if we'd gone a little farther on that trail, if we might have found it. Oh well! We went back to the statue. On the way, I passed a woman walking her dog and asked if there was a playground in the area. She said she was only familiar with the playground equipment at the church.

We wandered on the trail, past the statue, for just a few more minutes. When we didn't see the playground equipment around the bend, we decided to just head back to the car and drive to another park on our Urbandale Parks Challenge list.

So, we didn't find the Colby Woods Open Space playground, but we did enjoy our time wandering the trails!

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