Saturday, September 25, 2010

First Annual Kid's Day

Andrew and I scrapped our plans to go to the mountains to look at changing leaves in favor of having a day to do all things "Oliver." First, we took him to Costco, which is one of his favorite places to go because there's so much going on! If you've never been to Costco, let me quick tell you about it. It's a giant warehouse filled with bulk items at cheap prices. They also have tables set up at the end of almost every aisle that offer free samples. Well, today, they had a table of waffle sections. Oliver was thrilled!

After Costco, Oliver needed a nap. He woke an hour later, and we took him to the park. Andrew pushed him on the swing, and then we explored the lake shore and the early autumn leaves. We followed up the park with a stop at the ice cream parlor. I got a baby scoop of dairy-free mango sorbet for Oliver to try. He loved it, but he was more interested in Andrew's ice cream. Andrew had coffee ice cream, so we didn't dare let Oliver have a taste for fear he'd be up all night!

I needed to pick up some groceries, so we stopped by Safeway on our way home. We let Oliver hold and sample many of our groceries. He punctured the pomegranate, ate some of the cucumber, and got the package of cheese slices open!

Hurray for a fun and successful first annual Kid's Day!

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