Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The Story of the $20 Pizza Tip

It started with $40. I left the house at 3pm with $40 in my pocket. Oliver and I were heading to his pediatrician to get him checked out, as he had a few bouts of diarrhea today. It cost $5 to see the pediatrician, so I left with $35 in my pocket.

I planned on stopping at the grocery store to pick up some items for dinner, as we ate through our cabinets and refrigerator this week. However, on the drive home, Oliver didn't stop crying. It was a half hour drive...

I decided not to stop at the store. For the first time in a long time, I had a little extra cash, and I thought, "I'm just going to order a pizza." Andrew and I have lived in our townhome for 14 months now, and we've ordered pizza once. It was going to be a nice little splurge.

Andrew got home from work minutes after Oliver and I returned from the doctor's office. I let him know my pizza plan, and we looked up a local pizza place. I ordered a large cheese pizza and a salad, and the total with tax & delivery was nearly $15. I didn't want to give the delivery guy just $15 and only tip him change; however, I also didn't want to give him a $20. I laid $15 on the counter and gave Andrew the $20 bill to break. He returned a few minutes later, took Oliver, and fanned out some bills next to me... what I assumed was for the pizza guy. I glanced down and saw a $5 and a few ones.

The pizza man arrived a few minutes later. I went to the door with my fan of money, handed it to the guy, and took the pizza and salad. He exclaimed, "Thanks!" and left.

After Andrew and I ate our pizza, he gathered up some money to deposit at the bank. He asked where the "other" money was. I looked at him blankly. "What other money?" I asked... and then, I knew. I told Andrew I gave the pizza guy the pile of money he'd given me.

Andrew looked at me, kind of smiled and said, "No, seriously."

Yes... seriously.

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