Tuesday, May 31, 2011

18 Month Doctor Visit

Oliver turned 19 months old yesterday, but I wasn't able to get him in for his 18-month check up until today. Poor Oliver had a meltdown that lasted the entire time we were in the exam room. He wanted me to pick him up and carry him, but I couldn't do that. I just wanted to cry, I felt so bad, but instead I tried to cuddle him and distract him and then I tried being stern. Nothing worked. The moment we left the office, he stopped shrieking and crying.

Oliver's height is 32.5", which puts him in the 46th percentile. His weight is 22 pounds, 11 ounces, which puts him in the 9th percentile for weight. His head circumference is 19", which is the 60th percentile.

The doctor asked me if we'd started potty training yet. I was happy that her question seemed to indicate that it's perfectly acceptable to start teaching now. I told her we've started, but we haven't started working on it seriously yet. She told me that's good and gave me a little handout with a few tips (nothing really new). I decided that I want to start seriously working with Oliver on potty training after our trip to Chicago in June (since I think travel will just mess him up while he's learning).


  1. I enjoy your blog! We mommies need to stick together!

    One thing I learned with my first, who I started to potty train beginning at 18 months...don't stress about it until they're ready. You can try to make it fun at first and see if it catches, but sometimes it doesn't click. Especially being pregnant, the extra bending and work can be really wearing.

  2. Thanks for the tip! I definitely don't want to exert myself too much, but I keep thinking that it would be nice to have him potty trained before the one arrives this fall :)
