Saturday, May 28, 2011

Health/Pregnancy Update

This was the first morning I woke up without any bleeding since Monday. I was happy not to see any blood, but I was also sad because it meant I wasn't passing that clot. I'd like to pass the last of the blood if I can!

It's four in the afternoon, and I just had my first mid-day bleed. It was pretty heavy--not as heavy as Monday, but about on par with Tuesday's bleed. Part of me is nervous; did I re-tear something? Another part of me is hopeful; could I have passed the last of the blood? Unfortunately, I don't have anymore ultrasounds until June 22 (unless something goes wrong before then). So, I guess I'll be hopeful and hope I'm passing the last of this blood. That would mean no more stress on the amniotic sac!

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