Thursday, December 27, 2012

Simple Holiday Craft: Ornament Magnets

This post is a little late for Christmas and most of the holiday season, but perhaps some of you will be inspired to get crafty as you take your decorations down.

Months ago, I found this easy-to-do project on Pinterest. On her Young House Love blog, she recommends using liquid nails to securely attach magnets to basic ornaments to festively decorate your fridge. I'm a big fan of using what I have around the house, I so used my hot glue gun. I had some round magnets leftover from my picture frame project. I think I got them from a hardware store, but I can't recall exactly. Please remember to keep small magnets away from little kids! If they swallow them, the magnets can cause serious internal damage.

I used my magnets to hold up all of our Christmas cards and greeting cards. I think I need to make more! I had to use every magnet in the house.

Here are my magnet ornaments up close:

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