Saturday, March 8, 2014

Monkey Joe's

We were cooped up in our hotel room and needed to get out! I did a search online and came across a place called Monkey Joe's in West Des Moines. I realized that I have a little monkey named Jo, so we decided to go. It was expensive (Oliver was $10, and Jo was $5), but the kids had a blast and wore themselves out!

Other than the cost, my only other complaint was that the little kid areas for kids under 3 were swarming with big kids. That was a disaster for a busy weekend! There was no point in trying to keep Jo in the little kid areas because she just got trampled there.

If we went back, it would be on a weekday when it's hopefully slower. I can't see myself going back there without Andrew by my side to help watch the kids and keep them from harm's way, though. The kids had so much fun, but if we hadn't been very hands-on, I think we could have ended up with some injured kids.

My little monkeys.

Oliver wanted to catch Jo at the bottom of the slide.

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