Monday, March 10, 2014

Play Place in Valley West Mall

Our extended stay hotel is serving its purpose, but we feel the need to get out of that small space daily! Andrew and I took the kids to the play area at Valley West Mall last weekend, which is right across the street from Monkey Joe's. For our little ones, the mall was actually a much better place to play (and free!). The play area is just outside the lower level of Younker's.

We walked through castle gates to the play area. The kids got so excited!

Jo climbed over the stone bridge and slid down the other side, over the water. Another kid told Oliver there were sharks in the water, so they enjoyed leaping over to avoid getting bit.

There was a wizard and a knight to climb on, and Jo enjoyed sitting in their laps.

Oliver loved leaping off of the pirate ship! In the background, you can see part of a dragon, which was a big hit, too.

Big brother is (usually) willing to help little sister navigate the play equipment.

More ecstatic jumps!

After the play area, we wandered the mall for a bit. Outside of JC Penney, we found a train! I think ticket prices were $2/person, but we bought a 3 pack for $5. I rode with the kiddos. They loved it, of course.

The mall really was a perfect place to take the kids on a cold day. I've since gone back with the kids on my own. It's a bit of a drive for us, since we're staying up in Urbandale now, but it's not like I have anywhere else to be! It takes us about 10 minutes to get there, the kids can play for an hour, and then I don't feel like we've just been cooped up in the hotel all day.


  1. That looks like a good break from the confines of a hotel for sure! What sweet and fun kids. What a great mom! Enjoy!

  2. I bet the play place is 4 times the size of our hotel room!

    Thank you :)
